
Wednesday 4 July 2012

June Empties

Empties are something that don't tend to happen very often in my household; by the time I am nearing the end of a product, I've already moved onto something new! However, last month I managed to finish a couple of items, and I actually feel really proud of myself- how sad is that!!! 


Lee Stafford Poker Straight Dry Shampoo (£5.49)

The Lee Stafford range has long been a favourite of mine, and I have tried quite afew different things. I much prefer this to the famous Batiste dry shampoo...this doesn't dry your hair out and leave that nasty white residue behind. As with all the Lee Stafford products, it has a very distinctive smell which really freshens up your tresses!!

Soap & Glory The Breakfast Scrub (£9.50)

This stuff is amazing! I love the retro packaging, and the play on words with the name. This oat, shea butter and sugar scrub literally smells good enough to eat, my mouth is watering just thinking about it! Apparantly it smells like maple syrup, but seen as I have never had maple syrup in my life I can't say! But hey, if maple syrup smells that good I am seriously tempted to go and buy some and smother myself in it! Breakfast Scrub sloughs away all your dead skin and leaves your skin beautifully soft. I was going to repurchase, but I won a new one in a giveaway from the Sabrina at

Garnier Summer Body Gradual Tanner (£2.55)

I am really missing having super-tanned skin after years of travelling, at the moment I feel so pale and unhealthy! I use Garnier Summer Body to give me a very light wash of colour. Basically, it takes me from being white and ghostly, to a very pale golden tan. It sinks into your skin really easily and leaves it feeling very moisturised and supple.

Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Clarifying Lotion (£17)

I am going to do a full review on the Clinique Anti-Blemish range, but for now I will just give you a quick overview. This is my favourite thing from the range, it is basically a toner with added benefits- those being it exfoliates the surface of the skin, soaks up excess oil and unclogs pores. This (along with the cleanser and moisturiser) has made my skin considerably better. Even after double-cleansing, when you use this it picks up lots of dirt hiding in your pores, and makes your face feel zingy and fresh. I suspect people with sensitive skin would find this too harsh as it does sting a little bit, but I take this as meaning its working its magic!  

Body Shop Satsuma Shower Gel (250ml £4)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!! I may bang on about things smelling amazing quite alot, but this blows everything else out of the water! I am not a morning person at all but when I use this in the shower, its wakes me up and makes me feel alive, the smell is out of this world! I have just ordered a 750ml bottle from the Body Shop (which is currently on offer for only £7.50 here and if you use the code TREATYOU, you get an extra 30% off!) because I cannot be without it!


  1. The Breakfast Scrub is one of my favourites as well, I adore it! I need to buy myself some once I've finished all my other scrubs! xo

    1. I can't see how anybody couldn't like it, its divine!! Xx

  2. I've only just started using breakfast scrub and I think it smells absolutely divine! xo

    1. Seriously think I might try eating some :/ xx

  3. Thankyou!! You have such yummy pics of food on your blog :) x
